The Big Share

We hope to encourage you to sign up soon with an opportunity to pay-it-forward. As part of CSA day (Feb. 28th) “The Big Share” (March 3rd) we will be partnering with our favorite non-profit FairShare CSA Coalition to donate 5% of our sales from Friday Feb 28th –  Friday March 6th .  This 5% donation will go towards FairShare’s Partner Shares Program & Educational & Training programs.  Partner Shares Program began in 1993 to improve access to fresh vegetables grown by local farmers. The Partner Shares Program provides financial assistance to limited-income households and eligible organizations to purchase CSA shares from FairShare farms. Elisabeth and I have been proud farm members of FairShare since 2016. We are excited to give back to this incredible organization that not only helps create food access, but they also provide a lot of educational support to local farms and the surrounding community. Join us this season for fresh produce and join us in the next five days and Pay-it-Forward!

We will be partnering with our favorite non-profit FairShare CSA Coalition to donate 5% of our sales from Friday March 1st Through Friday March 6th. This 5% donation will go towards FairShare’s Partner Shares Program. FairShare’s Partner Shares Program began in 1993 to improve access to fresh vegetables grown by local farmers. The Partner Shares Program provides financial assistance to limited-income households and eligible organizations to purchase CSA shares from FairShare farms. Elisabeth and I have been proud farm members of FairShare since 2016. We are excited to give back to this incredible organization that not only helps create food access, but they also provide a lot of educational support to local farms and the surrounding community. Join us this season for fresh produce and join us in the next five days and Pay-it-Forward!

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