What a Year!

Greetings Everyone,

2019 Has been a huge year for us. It's truly been an awesome example of a Community Supported Farm and we feel really lucky to have had so much help and support. The farm was a blank slate when we purchased it which is both exciting and daunting. There is so much possibility but also big decisions that will impact the farm for years to come.

First off, a huge thank you to our Farm Share members! We truly built the farm infrastructure this year with you in mind. So thank you for allowing us to farm and feed your family. The big projects were: digging a well to a depth that gave us clean water for washing and irrigating the produce, bringing electricity to the well, greenhouse & coolers, as well as building the cooler, finish building the greenhouse and build the hoop-house.

To do all of that we needed a little help. So big thanks to the Frontera Foundation for the grant that helped dig the well. As well as the more than one hundred of people from all over the country that participated in our Kiva loan that helped us raise the additional funding for the pump needed to move the water out of the well. Also a big thanks goes out our friends who are skilled tradesmen who came out to the farm on their weekends that helped us set up the electricity, pour the concrete and answered questions as we went. While at some moments we were sure we were crazy for doing all of this in just a few months in the spring. Being able to hit the ground running was awesome and we are so grateful. We are looking forward to next year, with less construction!

Thank you!!